
In today’s world, energy efficiency is not just a goal; it’s a necessity. At Morgan Engineering Group LLC, we’re at the forefront of propelling sustainability through strategic energy planning and the adoption of cutting-edge conservation techniques. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to innovate and implement solutions that meet today’s energy demands and pave the way for a greener tomorrow. We believe in the power of responsible energy management to transform businesses, communities, and the global environment.

Our approach to Energy starts with strategic planning born from a deep understanding of the intricate balance between current needs and future sustainability. We collaborate closely with clients to tailor energy solutions that optimize efficiency and reduce environmental impact. By leveraging state-of-the-art technology and data-driven insights, Morgan Engineering Group LLC ensures that your energy strategy is robust and flexible, capable of adapting to evolving demands and opportunities.

Conservation is at the heart of what we do. By deploying innovative conservation techniques and renewable energy technologies, we help clients achieve substantial energy savings and drive down costs. Our commitment to excellence means we are constantly exploring and implementing novel approaches to energy usage that set new industry standards. Trust Morgan Engineering Group LLC to lead the way in sustainable energy practices that benefit you and the planet.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

Morgan Engineering Group uses Portfolio Manager metrics to compare your building’s energy use to a yearly baseline, national medians, or similar buildings in your portfolio.

Many buildings can also receive a 1–100 ENERGY STAR score

The ENERGY STAR score compares your building’s energy performance to similar buildings nationwide, normalized for weather and operating characteristics. A score of 50 represents median performance. A higher score is better than average; lower is worse.

Get started:  All you need are your bills and some basic information about your building.

Benchmark Today to Start Saving for Tomorrow

The How does Portfolio Manager help you save? Once you’ve benchmarked your building in the tool, you’ll have the information you need to:

  • Identify underperforming buildings to target for efficiency improvements. As long as your building systems are running, it might seem wasteful to repair or replace working systems. But benchmarking can reveal if your building is using a lot more energy than similar buildings—and wasting energy and money in the process.
  • Identify best practices from efficient buildings. Benchmark to find out which buildings in your portfolio are the most efficient, and then work with the teams at those buildings to replicate energy-saving practices at underperforming buildings.
  • Set investment priorities. The built-in financial tool within Portfolio Manager allows you to compare cost savings across buildings in your portfolio. Use it to help decide how to allocate capital and maximize financial returns in energy efficiency.
  • Verify savings and prevent snapback. As you continue to track energy use over time, you can verify that your efforts are actually resulting in reduced energy use and monitor usage to prevent snapback in savings.
  • Share and report performance. You can use Portfolio Manager to generate ENERGY STAR performance documents for each building, share your performance data with others, and run custom reports to get insights on your performance.
  • Earn recognition. If your building receives an ENERGY STAR score of 75 or higher, it may be eligible for ENERGY STAR certification
  • Benchmark more than energy. You can also measure and track water usewaste and materials, and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Implement a comprehensive management program. You’ve heard it before: What gets measured gets managed. Saving energy isn’t a one-and-done checklist. Most importantly, you can use Portfolio Manager to implement every step of your energy management program, which is the proven path to sustained, deep energy savings.

And when you improve the energy efficiency of your building, you reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced in powering your building, which helps in the fight against climate change.

Your actions today can help protect the environment for tomorrow. Ready to take the first step?