Energy Audits

Energy audits can be utilized to evaluate the energy efficiency level of existing buildings.

We offer ASHRAE energy audits for levels 1, 2, and 3, including reporting and necessary energy modeling work.

We can evaluate your building's data, including the existing design document, utility bills, HVAC equipment loads, and more.

ASHEAE Energy Audit Level 1

Survey your building and collect and evaluate information, including utility bills, HVAC, controls, and envelopes. Recommend low-cost cost energy conservation measures.

ASHEAE Energy Audit Level 2

ASHAE energy audit level 1 plus perform an energy model of the
existing buildings with collected information. Evaluate all
recommended and selected energy conservation measures and provided a report assisting in upgrading decision-making progress.

ASHEAE Energy Audit Level 3

In addition to ASHRAE audit level 2, we can look into the investment or budget cost associated with each energy conservation measure and calculate payback for each option.

Every Audits

An energy audit can help you identify the energy conservation measures (ECMs) ranging from low cost, no cost to capital projects. We will help you evaluate and estimate the savings based on the identified ECMs. The estimated savings can be used to calculate your return on investment (ROI) using the cost estimate of the ECM.

We are here to help. Contact us if you're interested

The Right Amount of Energy: We will recommend what grade or audit level suits your goal. We are proud to provide a service that suits your needs. The audit levels 1, 2, and 3.