Energy Modeling

We provide energy modeling services for LEEDs optimized energy performance credits and code compliance, utility incentive application, energy impact study and more.

We utilize many energy simultaneously software (such as TRACE 700, Equest, Energy plus, HAP, etc.) to simulate our customer’s buildings with its construction data, space functionality, occupancy load, operational schedule, actual plumbing equipment, and electrical equipment data. In-conjunction with the building simulation, we then are able to investigate any energy efficient solutions our customers are interested in and/or compare the design to the baseline systems type with standard efficiency required by local jurisdictions code. With that, we provide a report giving holistic view of building energy impact analysis for customers.

LEED Modeling

We can perform an energy modeling for LEED optimized energy performance credits, fill required LEED forms including minimum performance
calculation, EAp2 and EAc1. Once it is submitted, we offer the service
including provide responses to LEED reviewers regarding the energy model until the project is approved.

Building Code Compliance

To meet energy code requirement by many local jurisdictions, it requires the design team to show the comparison of the energy consumption of the proposed design compared to the baseline code requirement building. We can assist you with the energy model and provide results you can show to the code authority locally to the he building location. We also will coordinate with the required design team members as permitted by our customers. Call Us!

Energy Impact Study

Are required in many design processes, our customers have to investigate many windows, walls, HVAC system, and lighting options. Energy modeling can
help you determine the energy impact based on each option and compared to any baseline system that our customers requests.

Save Energy, Think Morgan Engineering Group (MEG-LLC)! Energy Modeling


Energy modeling is a great tool that can assist anyone to study and
evaluate the energy solutions, the energy impact of each energy
conservation measures, and the financial impact. But it does require
someone with expertise in multiple discipline including energy modeling, HVAC, and construction to build a good energy model and provide reliable analysis. Call Us today!

The Right Amount of Communication

Nowadays, energy analysis and energy modeling is a part of integrative design process. Working with design and communicating with the team on a regular basis are the key to successful energy efficiency and sustainable design. We recognize how important communication is to our customers and design team. Our customers appreciate our status updates and quick responses. We look forward to joining your team to help achieve your goals. Follow the process below.

Commercial Project & Audit

Your Building in its Current Condition

Our Recommended Improvement Opportunities

Your Proposed Building Improvement Package

Financing & Incentive Opportunities


Residential Home Energy Project & Audit

Your Home in its Current Condition

Our Recommended Improvement Opportunities

Your Proposed Home Improvement Package

Financing & Incentive Opportunities
