PACE Financing Program

Perform energy audits and payback analyses as the PACE financing program requires acquiring the funding for the energy projects you want.

Provides information on utility incentive program, application process, and requirements. With seven years of utility incentive program and application experience and 15 years of mechanical and energy engineering, we can assist you with types of incentives, utility incentive estimates, energy efficiency conservation measures that may qualify for the incentives, and executing and coordinating utility incentive processes and applications.

Technical Study

We can provide a technical study to estimate utility incentives. The technical study can also be used to apply for the utility incentive. In some programs, the technical study itself will qualify for the program’s technical services incentive.

Utility Incentive Application & Coordination

We can prepare the application, coordinate with the owner, design, and construction team, and make sure the incentive application is filed for the project at the right time. We also can stay on the project and follow up with final documentation to ensure the approval of incentive payment.

Utility Incentive

We will help you identify the program applicable to your projects. We can estimate, prepare, process, and submit the application on your behalf. We will coordinate with the design and construction teams to ensure the incentive application is submitted on time and with correct information and documentation. Our founder has worked with utility incentive programs for over seven years. She knows and understands the program inside out. Contact us if you want to know more.

The Right Amount of Incentive

Utility companies spend millions of dollars offering incentives to building owners to invest in system upgrades to save energy. This includes lighting, envelope, and HVAC upgrades. These incentives can be significant compared to equipment or construction costs. Please take advantage of these programs now when they are still available. Let us help you!